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President's Message - August, 2012

A word from the President


Summer's Over!

If you believe any schoolkid (or the latest Target ad), summer’s already over, and they are dreading the looming beginning of the school year. There’s so much left to cram into the remaining summer days!

Similarly, your Board has a lot of work to do this summer. On August 4th, the Board met to review the results of our member survey and to review the mid-year results of our operating plans. With that information as input, we’ll devote the next couple board meetings to updating our offerings and operations for next year to ensure we continue to provide our members with valuable offerings that clearly demonstrate the value of membership. We’ve also got some internal work to do. With the addition of a new Board position (Marketing & Communication), we want to ensure that we coordinate all interactions of board members, so our agenda includes time to work out all the touchpoints between functional areas. The result will be a smooth-running Board focused on the future.

In October we’ll be traveling to the Leadership Institute Meeting, but I’ll save the results of that for my next message. 

Enjoy the rest of your summer!


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