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President's Message - December, 2012

A word from the President


A Message from PMI Buffalo Chapter President Mark Kwandrans

It’s December 29th, and I’m staring out the window, watching the snow fall. The parties are over (until Monday night!), the house is clean (until Monday night!), and I just finished shoveling my driveway. Having a week off from work gives a person time to think. Maybe it’s time for a New Year’s Resolution.

2012 is going to go down in the books as a crazy, volatile year. A lot has happened, some good, some bad, and none of it inconsequential. Despite all the ups and downs, and all the things happening out there, you can impact only your sphere of influence – your family and friends, your colleagues, your neighbors. You probably can’t influence events on the world stage (if you can, congratulations!). But you can make your world, however small, a better place.
Do what we do. Try to deliver “value” to the people you know. How many times have you heard this at work – we need to “add value.” Your PMI Chapter has a mission (it’s on our website) – to provide a forum to promote PMI standards and to strengthen stakeholders’ knowledge, awareness, and understanding of Project Management principles, tools, and techniques. In other words, to leave everyone that we encounter a little better for having met us. Don’t you wish everyone acted the same way? Try to make your “world” a better place, and leave everyone who meets you a little better off for having done so.
We have a lot of exciting plans for 2013 (don’t we always?) and we hope you’ll join us for at least some of our events. Give us the chance to add value to your life (at least your work life) and please do the same for the people you meet.
As always, if you have any questions, concerns, ideas, or comments, please do not hesitate to write me. My email address is on the website and in the newsletter.
Happy New Year, and see you soon.
As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to write me at president@pmibuffalo.org


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