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President's Message - January, 2015

A word from the President




Well it is the start of another year, and we’re loading up our 2015 calendar with a variety of events to meet the interests of our 550+ members and over 2,000 followers. We will be visiting some new and exciting venues and hope that you will join us!

Did you know that 2015 is the Buffalo Chapter’s 20th anniversary? What an amazing milestone! We plan to celebrate our 20 years throughout the year, so we hope you will join us at our breakfast rountables, dinners and professional days.

Here is a question for everyone to think about as we begin this new year:At the end of 2015, what one thing do you wish the PMI Buffalo Chapter would help you achieve? Is it earning pdus? Networking? Increasing the appreciation of project management within your company? Providing leads for new jobs? More training on Agile?

Please take 5 minutes to email me at president@pmibuffalo.org with a quick note about what’s at the top of your wish list for 2015. Please put 2015 Wish in the subject! I’ll share all of your feedback with the Chapter’s Board so that we can incorporate the most requested ideas into our planning for 2015 - 2016.

I hope to see you all at our upcoming events, JoAnn

P.S. Attending our breakfast rountables, dinners and professional days will satisfy many of your PDU certification renewal requirements. Remember any hour spent – whether attending an event or volunteering - earns you a PDU.


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