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President's Message - July, 2013

A word from the President



It’s the beginning of July and summer is in full swing. You might think that things would slow down during the summer, but your chapter’s leadership continues to work through the heat, humidity, and rain.
In a couple weeks, representatives will be traveling to a meeting of chapter leaders from across Region 4. Our region is the largest in PMI, with 24 chapters. 80 leaders will gather to exchange ideas and hear presentations from both industry experts and PMI staff. We look forward to incorporating new ideas into our plans.
In the beginning of August, the Board will be meeting with the Boards from two other chapters to begin our strategic planning. A major input to our strategic plan is the results of our annual survey. You’ll be receiving an invitation to respond to that survey in the coming weeks. Please take a few moments to respond. The only way we can be sure that we’re doing what you want is if you tell us! Many of our past events and programs were the direct result of member suggestions.
As you’ve read and heard elsewhere, the recent elections have resulted in a new Board. Karen Rybak and David Lynch have left their Board positions after many years of service. Starting today (7/1), Adam Almeter begins his term as VP of Outreach and Liz Englert re-joins us as Trustee. JoAnn Boehm is now our President-Elect and Mary Bagley succeeds her as VP of Membership. The composition of the Board has changed every year that I have been involved, and every year brings new and exciting opportunities to improve the chapter.
That’s about it for now. As always, if you have any ideas, questions, or comments, feel free to write me.


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