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President's Message - May, 2013

A word from the President


A Message from PMI Buffalo Chapter President Mark Kwandrans

It’s May and we’re getting ready for summer. Just because school lets out doesn’t mean the Chapter goes dark. This month, we had a monthly dinner meeting with the Buffalo Bisons. In June, we’ve got our required Annual Business Meeting, this time being offered at the Darwin Martin House. We’ve also got our Basic and Advanced Toolbelt classes (have I said what a great deal this is?).  In July, some Board members will be attending the Region 4 Leadership Meeting in Traverse City, MI. The Board will also be preparing for our Strategic Planning weekend, to be held in early August, again in conjunction with the Board of the South Western Ontario Chapter, but this year with the Rochester Chapter as well. In August, we’ll also hold another Basic and Advanced Toolbelt classes. Before you know it, it’s September, and it all starts all over again!
In addition to all these summer activities, we’ll be laying plans for the fall. We’ll also be soliciting volunteers to help us execute, and we encourage everyone to get involved to the extent they can. Many hands make light work, as my grandma said (actually, she didn’t say that at all, but it’s still good advice).
Before I go, let me say congratulations to those of you who graduated from our PMP Prep class and passed the PMP exam. I’d also like to congratulate anyone who passed the PMI-ACP exam recently.
Watch out for kids and motorcycles when you’re driving.
As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to write me at president@pmibuffalo.org  

A Message from PMI Buffalo Chapter President Mark Kwandrans


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