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President's Message - May, 2015

A word from the President



We hope that everyone enjoyed our March Harbor Center event. What a great venue and tour!  We also just celebrated all of our volunteers on April 14th at The Foundry in North Buffalo - another very interesting location that many attendees had heard about but never visited. Congratulations to our 2014 Annual Achievement award winner Carrie Myers.

Back in January I asked everyone to take a few minutes to email me their wish list for 2015. I received a number of responses and wanted to report back to you some of the main themes and our progress in delivering them:

  1. Raise awareness of the value of Project Management with our employers.
    • One of our key strategies this year is to promote the value proposition of project management, so the Board is working on ways to achieve this. More to come on this subject!
  2. Mentoring program for new PMs.
  3. More networking opportunities. 
    • We are discussing holding a combination networking/mentoring event in Fall to allow newer PMs to meet more experienced PMs and informally establish mentoring relationships.
  4. Agile, CSM training. 
    • We have CSM and CSPO training scheduled this month, and will be scheduling another PMI-ACP prep class in Fall.
  5. More events in the Southtowns. 
    • Our May dinner event will be in Hamburg, as well as the agile CSM training. We will ensure we use venues across our geogaphical area in the future.
  6. Highlighting teams and the people involved in projects.
  7. Highlighting projects that demonstrate how Buffalo is rising to its challenges.>> Thank you for the suggestions - we will use the above 2 ideas in our planning.

So, based on the above, I believe we are making good headway in responding to your wishes!

Coming up, we’ll be holding our Annual meeting on June 9th at the Frank Lloyd Wright Boathouse and our special guest will be the PM who managed its construction, David Crowe. I look forward to seeing many of you there.


P.S. Remember … 1 hour of volunteer work = 1 PDU


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