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President's Message - November, 2011

A word from the President


Mark Kwandrans, PMP November 2011

2011 has turned out to be a great year!

After an awesome Buffalo summer, full of sunny weekends, autumn started with an outstanding Professional Development Day. Then, the whole world saw us accept two awards, and now everyone knows what a great Chapter we have.

The Board has returned from that meeting of Chapter leaders and, while we came back with many good ideas that we’re going to try to incorporate into our future plans, I personally came back with a slightly different perspective. I was impressed with how many times people asked for our opinions or experiences. We told other Chapters what we are doing and they took copious notes. We delivered two presentations that were extremely well-attended. It seems that everyone wants to copy the success that we’re experiencing, and who can blame them?We heard that one Chapter has a four year plan to receive the Chapter of the Year Award – we did it on our second try!

I think you have a lot to be proud of, and I hope that you feel the same way. We’re in the middle of planning for next year, and I know we’ve got some good ideas in the works. If you have an idea, let me know. If you want to volunteer and help us to reach the next level, let me know.

Be sure to support your Chapter by attending our remaining events and, until 2012, take care.


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