June Dinner Event - PMI PHD!
Title: New PHD Work in Project Management
Time: 5:45p-7:45p
Speaker: Ivan Aguilera, PHD Candidate at Niagara University
1.5 PDU's - Technical
Course Identifier: C08020210608
PDU Claim Code: C080H1KKIM
Title:PMI Buffalo June 2021 Educational Dinner
Please join us in learning from Niagara University PHD candidate Ivan Aguilera about his PHD project, what we all can gain from it, and how we can help.
Meeting Information
- Meeting link:
- https://pmibuffalo.webex.com/pmibuffalo/j.php?MTID=maec349ffe40ed9a5facf612c3fafdee1
- Meeting number:
- 160 755 4566
- Password:
- F3Qv3Dd497y
- Host key:
- 587233
- Agenda:
- 5:30-5:45pm - Audio/Visual check for presenter
5:45-6:05pm - Networking
6:05-6:25 - Chapter updates, vendor thank you
6:25-7:25 - Presentation
7:25-7:40 - Q&A
7:40-7:40 - Door Prizes and wrap-up
More ways to join
- Join by video system
Dial 1607554566@pmibuffalo.webex.comYou can also dial and enter your meeting number.
- Join by phone
+1-855-282-6330 US TOLL FREE+1-415-655-0003 US TOLLAccess code: 160 755 4566
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