Volunteer Postings

Volunteer Opportunities

It's easy to volunteer with your local chapter. We have standing committees that are always looking for help. 

There are several levels of volunteerism within our chapter: 

  • Volunteers are always needed to staff standing and ad-hoc committees.
  • Board members are elected into office and serve a two-year term. The Board consists of a President, 2 Trustees, and the following VPs: Certifications, Finance, Marketing and Communications, Membership, Outreach, Professional Development, and Technology & Business Services.
  • Directors have leadership responsibilities within specific areas of the chapter. The Board appoints directors. There are directors working in each of the functional areas mentioned above.

Check out the Chapter Volunteer Roadmap for expectations and benefits for each volunteer level.

Interested in volunteering for a committee or leadership position? Complete a Volunteer Information form, indicating your areas of interest and expertise. If you do not see an open volunteer opportunity that interests you below, please note that Volunteer positions become available throughout the year, and we'll keep your form on file for future openings that match your qualifications.

Thanks in advance for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!

Director, Marketing

Position Title: Director, Marketing
Chapter Function: Marketing

· Responsible for marketing and publicizing the chapter and PMI within the community, providing brand management, and managing the Sponsorship and Merchandise programs.

· Specific duties of the position include:

  • Develop and implement a Marketing plan to promote the chapter and PMI to members, prospects, followers and the community
  • Ensure alignment between the chapter marketing plan and the chapter’s strategic objectives
  • Monitor success of marketing campaigns
  • Work with all chapter functions to develop and distribute promotional materials
  • Create and publish chapter announcements, press releases, feature stories, TV appearances and other media-related activities
  • Coordinate and archive presentations to external stakeholders and other organizations interested in the activities of PMI
  • Develop a high awareness of PMI’s marketing tools and resources, leveraging all that will benefit our marketing efforts
  • Recommend and implement any approved tools/resources that will benefit our Communications efforts
  • Develop a high awareness of PMI marketing and branding guidelines and ensure that all marketing campaigns meet them
  • Work with Director, Communications to ensure that all communications meet same guidelines
  • Ensure Board and Directors understand and follow same guidelines
  • Develop and implement a Sponsorship program to engage sponsors for revenue generation to fund the chapter’s activities
  • Coordinate and organize proposals and presentations to potential chapter sponsors, event sponsors, and other sponsors
  • Develop, maintain and monitor benefit fulfillment activities with sponsors
  • Work with Professional Development team and others to coordinate special event sponsorships and ensure alignment with overall Sponsorship program
  • Oversee the purchase and sales of chapter branded merchandise
  • Ensure Board and Directors understand they should make all branded purchases through the Marketing function
  • Assess the feasibility and viability of an on-line merchandise store that offers branded items
  • Implement on-line merchandise store if it is deemed to be viabl
  • Oversee team of 2-3 direct report volunteers

Commitment: 8-12 hours/month


Director, Recruitment

Position Title: Director, Recruitment
Chapter Function: Membership

· Responsible for the development and administration of a formal member and volunteer recruitment program

· Specific duties of the position include:

  • Recruitment of new Members
  • Recruitment of new Volunteers
  • Development of a formal program to support both member and volunteer recruitment:
  • Process, Structure, Guidelines, Templates, Communications
  • Collaborate with Directors of Member Services and Volunteers to ensure effective hand-off of recruitments to their respective functions
  • Oversee team of 2-3 volunteers

Commitment: 4-8 hours/month

Director, Event Management

Position Title: Director, Event Management
Chapter Function: Professional Development

Position Responsibilities

> Planning, coordinating and executing short-term events sponsored and held by PMI Buffalo. This includes half-day workshops and dinner meetings.